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Full Recap of the 2022 Hunting Season (Part 2)

I was anxious to get out and took the first few days of the season off work. I took to a new location and hiked in about five miles. I came across a location covered in elk and bear droppings.

One thing I learned that you should not do is use the space in your bugle tube to store things. You are so welcome for the tip.

I could see a few elk in a distance, the heat was keeping them high and not within reach. On my way out I came across my first sheep herd. It was a beautiful thing to watch them move through the mountain side.

Nothing beats the views while hunting or and Idaho sunset.

I was excited a few days later that Ry was wanting to go out with me. The heat was rough and the elk were extremely quiet. We went in headed towards the same location but came in from a different side.

I promised him a two mile hike in that wouldn't be that bad...well he quickly realized Mom stretched that truth and we went in a good four miles. Regardless we had a blast. We laughed, talked and explored.

I took a few days off and went straight to the soccer field. Next up on the list was Kaden. The time and change in weather was just what needed to happen.

We went in my original way towards where my camera has been set up. We found fresh rubs and droppings. We heard a few faint calls but still pretty quiet.

We had one through the trees but couldn't get any view of her. So we sat down and I let Kaden do the scouting.

To my luck he found an entire herd. We tried to get in as close as we could but they pushed on to private land. This picked up my excitement.

We decided to head in early the next morning. The hike took us longer than anticipated in the dark, it was a new route.

By sunrise I was within 500 yards of two good bulls. They were on the edge of private land. I did my best to call them in but they escaped over the ridge.

We stayed the area but the winds picked up and everything went quiet so we headed out.

The elk were too high and moving to private land. So it was time to study my maps and look for a new spot. Hiking in I was excited because about two miles in I heard the bugles.

This was just one, it was a chorus of bugles. So I found my spot and waited. It got quite about mid morning so I decided to move. I walked about twenty yards and came across a tree that had been met by a bear.

I knew I had to be on the lookout. Mind you last year we had a bear running down the hill at us. I was marking it on my OnX when I felt something over my shoulder. With bear on my mind I quickly turned to see what it was.

To my shock it was a beautiful bull elk less than 10 yards from me. He scared me as much as I scared him and he bolted. I tried to call him back in got him to stop but then he finally took off.

I was in complete disbelief and sat down to calm my nerves. As I sat there about 20 minutes later I heard a very loud bugle behind me over a small ridge. I sat there and tried to calm my nerves. Then another bugle.

As I turned behind me to look I saw a cow elk come over the ridge. I regained my focus and was ready to take a cow. Then another and another, a whole herd was coming over the ridge. This was not a scenario I EVER thought would happen.

So I told myself to wait for the bull and there he was. I lined up as he came through but I couldn't get a clean shot. There were trees and brush everywhere in my line of shot.

This being my first I only wanted to take a clean shot. The cows spooked and took off. I was able to get the bull to stop with a call but couldn't get him to come in closer.

I came in a few more times to this spot and the encountered the same morning bugle chant. I took my sister in and we got in a little after sunrise. Two cows and a bull were moving in back across the ridge.

They were moving too fast and couldn't get them to stop. We stayed the area about mid day I had two cows on top of the ridge. They spotted me and never came in.

I came in another morning and the moisture was so thick I was soaked all the way through. I took to my spot, removed my shoes and did my best to dry off. That day was no luck, heard some bugles in the morning but they were quiet after that.

I got out a few times for rifle but couldn't track the heard the way I had during archery. So I took to a new area and was able to see my first bull moose. They are truly majestic creatures.

One of my last trips out I finally got Peyton to come with me. I can't wait for the day we get one together.

I learned so incredibly much this season. Anxious to reach my goal. Each day I am out I grow, I learn, and become a better hunter. So thankful to have these encounters and am looking forward to 2023.


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