Kanarra Falls was last minute added to our locations to hike when my best friend and I went down to southern Utah last summer. We are so glad we went and it was THE perfect kickoff to our vacation.

Kanarra Falls is located in Kanarraville, Utah which is about four hours south of Salt Lake City. Keep in mind you have to get tickets to enter the falls. Tickets go on sale January 1st and can be purchased on their website at https://www.kanarrafalls.com/ They cap out at 150 hikers per day.

We did not do a lot of research before we headed into this hike. So going in we really prepared for a standard hike. We wore our hiking sandals, dressed comfortable, brought our backpacks, snacks and water. We headed out pretty early and started the hike before 8 am. Which I am glad we did because we saw one hiker on the way in and one on the way out. We both really enjoy getting away from the crowds.

The hike was beautiful and we were enjoying the scenery to start. There was a small creek we had to cross to start the hike.

On a side note, if you have not heard of Abby Paffrath hats, you are missing out. To say we are obsessed is an understatement. She is an incredible artist out of Wyoming. I am wearing my bow hunter hat which is my absolute favorite. Looking at this picture it has made me realize I don't have the one Lisa is wearing. Adding it to my cart. You can check out her website https://art4allbyabby.com/collections/artist-series-trucker-hats Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.

The start of the hike was mostly dirt trails. A lot of the trails were shaded which we both realized we should have brought a light sweater or jacket. The trail came to a point where the only way in was to head through the creek between the canyons. Looking at that picture, she is just my favorite.

The canyon narrowed and we walked through the cold, rushing water. Let me just say that early in the morning, it was COLD. It was the last thing either of us thought of and our feet were freezing.

But look at these views. They kept us going and we suffered through it. At the end of the canyon was the first waterfall. To get to the next section the only way was to go up this incredibly stable looking ladder. While it may not look that steep or scary, it is a little different with the rushing water. Lisa lost her Hydroflask on the ladder and it was sucked into the abyss of the falls. That brave girl went under the fall and tried to retrieve it to no avail.

The second falls was not accessible when we went. They can get flash floods through the area so it is important to read the signs going in and check the website for any important updates. The second section I went up this log to take in the view.

You can always count on me to find some creature to chat with....can't wait for my next encounter!