My very first Total Archery Challenge was definitely a memorable one, and I am honestly not sure we could beat this trip. It's funny when I think back to the beginning of 2024; none of us knew each other. Maybe we followed each other on social media, but we didn't know each other. Now, well, these are my girls and nothing we wouldn't do for each other.

Going into the event, I had some nerves. Elena was the only one who had done a TAC event. We didn't know what to expect, and I think we all thought we would be the weak link in the group. It surpassed all the fears and doubts and was one of the best experiences I have ever had. Oh, and there was no weak link in the group.
We started at the range, and a few girls made sure their sights were set right and felt comfortable before heading up the mountain. The winds were high that day, and I felt confident in my Dialed Archery sight, so I left mine. Thankfully, I was able to drive in and didn't have to worry about my sight getting messed with on my way.

We had an afternoon shoot on Saturday and Sunday. We headed in and visited some tents and friends. Then we headed up on the ski lift and the views were amazing. We watched deer feeding underneath us and we all just soaked in the views.

TAC is set up with different courses, and on the first day, we had the Leupold course, which consisted of 25 targets. Layers were a must as the temperatures changed throughout the course, and storms were rolling in throughout the weekend.

Our shooting time was late and really didn't have anyone behind us which was great so we were able to take out time and talk through the shots.
Each target you step up and the shooting spot is marked with a cone. You range the target and decide how comfortable you feel at each shot. It is important to make sure you ahve a range finder that accounts for angles. Because the angles are like nothing you have seen.

Going into TAC not having shot at a 3D target was intimidating for me. I went in just saying I was going to make the best of it no matter what and was ready to lose all the arrows. I can honestly say my Dialed Archery Arxos Sight changed the game for me.
The targets are beyond challenging but doable, and when you see the number of other arrows surrounding the targets, you really feel that you are not alone if you miss the target. Everyone is truly at different skill levels at these events. My arrows have the blue fletchings in these pictures. Some were great, some were a struggle, and some I chose a spot on the target that was "safe" from the magnetic attraction they had to the trees.

The first couple of targets, I told myself that I was going to move up my range and just shoot at a comfortable distance, not really challenging myself. Looking back now, I realize that was a crazy thought. I am so thankful that the girls pushed me to try, and when I did and started hitting the targets, my confidence increased like crazy in what I was doing. However, I kept giving the credit to my Arxos.

Day two was incredible for so many reasons, but we were missing Chelsee as she headed out that morning. That day, we did the RMEF Course, and that course was a challenge. We had 15 targets, but we had some tough hikes to each target and angles of the shots.

For me, though, I hit my furthest targets ever. I got to the first at 78 yards, then ended up taking one at 85 yards and hit it the first time.

All of the ladies shot so well, and we each pushed ourselves and each other beyond our own capabilities. It says a lot when you have people surrounding you who believe in you.

But the biggest lesson of all was that life is not nearly as difficult as we make it. It takes believing in yourself and trying. There are going to be challenges and difficulties, but it is the fact that you are trying. You will be proud you took the shot. So whatever it is that you are putting off that you want to try, do it. Life is going so fast that you will only regret the chances you didn't take and not the ones you did!
Hopefully, we will see some of you at a future Total Archery Challenge!
Huge credit to Ivory Outdoors- the beautiful Chelsee Dery on a lot of these photos