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The Launch: One Year Later

A year ago tomorrow, I sat in the upstairs of my barn on June 15, 2023 and recorded my story. I remember how vulnerable it felt. There were moments I thought I was crazy. God spoke. I listened. He told me to use my story. So threre I sat in the place I hope to be my main office one day and recorded my story. That day, is the day I felt the wild ride started.

Today I will be at Totally Archery Challenge with some of my most favorite women on earth. Women that a year ago I didn't even know existed. In the last year, I have met some of the most incredible people on earth and had the most amazing experiences. This includes Hawaii, a dream hunt and experience for me.

I started my page in 2021, just as something to capture moments outside through my adventures and my journey learning to hunt. I lacked real puprose and was merely existing in the social media space, like millions of others. I didn't do much over those two years with my page or my website. Like a lot of dreams, I just kind of let it sit in the back of my mind. Then my world start to crash down again, first time being my divorce and the things that led to that. And as my other posts, God spoke to my heart, He gave me purpose in my story.

So I sat there and told my store and about a week later I re-launcehd my website. This time with purpose and more passion then I could every imagined. This year has been incredible and chaos all combined. I haven't been able to keep up with something I never thought would come to exist. I had a solid 400 followers a year ago, today I sit at 6,000. A complete God thing, because I am really not that cool, pretty nerdy actually. While the more people that follow, my kids start to think I am slightly cooler to me it was never about the number. Even if it is easy to get wrapped up in that today. It is and always will be about living with purpose, letting LIGHT shine in a very dark world, and living with intention.

So I shared my story, launched my website then what? Well, to recap the last year we will name a few. I become a co-host of an amazing podcast. I experinced my dream hunt in Hawaii. I spent four days at the Hunt Expo and met people that changed my world. I had my best hunting season yet with my first harvevst. I sold product and had more activity on my website than every before. I got to do my first bird hunt in Colorado with absolutely amazing people. Companies that live with purpose wanted to work with me. Today, I head to Montana on a trip that is going to be life changing. Most importantly, I met people through an app on my phone that I respect, inspire and that I truly love.

I am so grateful and blessed. Countless people have reached out to me to thank them for things that I do, or how this story has impacted them. That is what this is all about, even though I take zero credit. It really shows that in a year your life can completely change. Just by saying yes. Just by going head first into the unknown and taking a leap of faith.

What does the future look like? I talk a lot about this non-profit but it some ways it feels stagnant. As much growth my business has had in the last year and setting a foundation along with remodeling a house that flooded, being a single Mom, and working my full time job. I couldn't keep up. Let's be honest. I am overwhelmed on the daily. Trying to balance all the things and at the same time not sacrifice my own well-being.

I think the best way to break up the future is in short-term and long-term goals. In the short-term the plan is to get the office space ready for use, one challenge has been space to run the business the way that I need. I have plans for the barn space and getting that ready to use and move into that by the end of summer.

There are currently two non-profits registered in my name. The first one being Project E.O. that you can read about on this website. The second one has been quiet and has been in the works over the last few months. They will all tie together but really wanted their main operations seperate at this time. When I am ready, I will share on the new one. It has been on my heart for such a long time and has been a dream to work in this area.

There is a short six month goal I am working on which has been challenging as it needs my time. This will fund the non-profits and give the means to sustain them. While I am not against grants and donations, I hope to find ways to fund this to the capacity that is placed on my heart all while sustaining my own family. There will be events with Project E.O. coming out in the near future to bring together people that have faced trauma to use the outdoors as a place to connect.

Long term is hard for me to put into words. These are some of the biggest dreams and visions one could have. It is what drives me daily. Long term, I hope to step away from my career and devote my life to serving others and all of it being done on my own property. A place to enrich and fullfill the lives of others.

What can you do to help? Pray. It is on my heart to make some drastic changes and investments so please pray on this for me. That God may give me guidance and direction in my choices at the right time. Thank you for being here, it means more than you will ever know.

Matthew 5:13-16


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